How to search for products?

Search for products by entering the product name or keyword in the search bar at the top of any page. Try to enter a general description. The more keywords you use, the fewer products you will get on the results page. When you find a product you are interested in, just click on the product name or product image for more details.

How are shipping costs calculated?

Shipping costs are calculated based on the value of the order, for a total value of the order over € 49.00 the shipping costs are free, while for orders of lower value the shipping cost is € 4.50. For more details on how to calculate shipping costs, contact us directly.

What is buyer protection?

Buyer Protection is a set of guarantees that allow buyers to make purchases with confidence on our site. You are protected when: The item you ordered did not arrive within the time period promised by the seller. The item you received was not as described. The product you received and was sure to be genuine was counterfeit.